
Post- Reflection.

It seems this blog space has given me the perfect outlet to express my inner thoughts, and up untill now i thought i was being honest with myself. But alas it seems as though i have been unintentionally censoring myself. not allowing myself to truely say how i feel.

In the immortal words of Zach De La Rocha, "your anger is a gift". I had not contemplated the signifigance of that lyric untill now. Anger is powerful, anger is relentless, anger is dynamic, anger is dominate, absolute, influential, honest, omnipotent, potant, versatile, ferocious, un-remitting, un-interupted, un-diluted, un-adulterated, un-limited, Anger is the epitome of emotion, anger puts people at one with their basic primal instincts and should be relished, for there is no stronger state of mind.

Therefore i feel it is my duty to myself to be truely honest with how i portray my thoughts. this is not to say i have not been sincere, it purely means i have not fully defined my remarks.

"Anger is only a natural reaction; one of the mind's ways of reacting to things that it percieves to be wrong. While anger can sometimes lead people to do shocking things, it can also be an instinct to show people that something isn't right." ~anon


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