
peoples over-indulgance

Spending some time on internet monstrosity Myspace lately and i cant help but notice the amount of desperate people infecting the web. People that write detailed, meaningful, pathetic blurbs about their lives beleiveing people care about their deplorable exsistances and how they hate smokers and they love eating their own shit, tooting their own horn and masterbating violently because they can do it better. I came across something yesterday that made me both cringe and laugh bitterly at not only the stupidity, but to the extent that this one girl divulged on a public and most likely well-visited site. after seeing a photo of her wrapped in nothing but a bed sheet with her cliche mascara running i read on.

she writes "I mean give me a break i have parents of my own and i don't need my birthmother in my life. I mean she is the one that chose to abuse me and neglect and let her boyfriend molest me and almost drowned me for christ's sake." she goes on and on, pointlessly about how her birthmother wont leave her alone then starts a new paragraph with this little peice of writing genius. "Then to make it worse i find a brother whom tells me that if i wasn't his sister and i wasn't married that he would make love to me in a second." Sounds like a brilliant family envirmonment. Her real mum wants her back in her life after years of abuse, probally so they can regain some sort of welfare benifit and her brother wants to fuck her brains out. incest.....enough said.

Her little rant about herself didnt have its desired effect on me. am i ment to feel sorry for her? am i supposed to add this person as a "friend" and try and get along with someone like that, am i supposed to think a little self-indulgent attention seeking blurb makes her a stronger person. i dont want to know your problems. And if i did, which i dont, i would ask whats wrong. You see the thing with humans is we are all hopelessly selfish. Nobody REALLY cares 100% about you. Have u ever told someone close to you a problem and instead of trying to talk to you about it as if u were competant in understanding your own situation, they start talking about their experiences somehow making a connection between situations and pretending that it made them feel the same? that somehow because they had been through something slightly similar they feel they have the right to know how anyone feels? of course you have. These are the people (90% or more of human society) that make me sick and want to break my own legs. From oversharing blabbering idiots to the normal functioning selfish adults...... i have no time for you.

kill yourself.....quickly


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