
i quit.

Most people that i deal with are the absolute bottomfeeders of society, bloodsucking leeches on the arse of the world. once upon a time i thought i could help the scum but alas as current and recent events unfold i cant help but feel like id rather cause their problems then help them through their problems.

i know half of them are victims of circumstance and i should feel sorry for them but they dont even feel sorry for themselves. A good percent of them are just as mentally able as their social oppisite yet they feel the need to make other peoples lives hard for the pure fact of making them feel better that their life is fucked up. I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. All you fuckers could disapear and it wouldnt matter because you have made little-to-no impact on anyone besides the victims of ur senseless and faceless cowardly crimes. your parents dont even care for you they care about the cashola they get from the government for having to deal with your meaningless presence.

sure i like a good angry rant at the expense of others and i also like speaking like the world owes me a favour but it has no consequence on any of your lives, except giving u an insight into who i can be. Im not commiting crimes that not only are pointless but are also stupid and careless.If you are going to commit a crime do it right with some tact and some thoughtfulness you unwashed, under-educated, feebleminded delinquents.

go play on a busy road!


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