
Olympic pain-in-my-arse.

I don't know if anyone feels the same, nor feels as strongly about it as I do, but this year the Beijing Olympics...FUCK.. any Olympic games from the time I was born have shit me to tears and angered me to my very core. We all know how it goes: run, jump, lift, throw, blood, sweat, tears, joy, disappointment, left, right, upside-fucking-down. This may come as a shock to all you sporty types but its fucking POINTLESS. Sure there is (for a select few) the honour of winning a small trophy to wear for one day, that says "congratulations, you ran 100 metres faster than 9 other cocksmokers"
but in the grand scheme of things are you really better off? Sure, now you can charge more for your services on the advertisements for breakfast cereal, sure people will now look at you differently, but let me say this, you won a medal ? big fucking deal! Yeah, you had to train hard for your sport and slave away devoting your every waking moment to being bigger and better, but in the end its just a sport. Please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't sport defined as recreation, a pastime, fun? And should it not be treated as such?

My problem isn't all with the athletes themselves believe it or not, although I do despise them for being people that feed from the system, creating the illusion of hard workers when they only desire for personal gain and recognition whilst actually shying away from real work. My problem is also with the people that don't leave sport as it should be, a recreational pastime, and facilitate these large events which enable these sports people to become rich and/or famous. Why should sport be broadcast across most free-to-air channels at all? and not just that, they are sports that only interest realistically only about 1 or 2% of all people, like Badminton, Gymnastics, Equestrian, Volleyball, Rowing, Archery, Fencing etc. WHO needs these sports blasted on their TV sets every night of the week? But people (not surprisingly enough) lap it up, get right into how their country is going and have heated debates about what's to happen in what event. It's all wanky BULLSHIT.

Nobody needs these skills in the modern age, there is no need for a man to run 100 metres in 9 seconds, there's no need for a grown man in tights to swing on poles or rings chained to the ceiling, there is no need for women to run around in circles as fast as they can or ride horses from A to B or the implication of slow motion camera capturing a person swimming a stroke called butterfly (which looks dangerously ugly by the way) and because there is no need for this there shouldn't be a need to watch or encourage such a pointless waste of everyone's time.

I'm not going to start raving on about the morals, ethics and values of China, any of their current endeavours in the destruction of lives or any political matters here, that's a totally different matter, but its probably a good thing that the Olympics have brought the worlds attention to what China are doing right under everyone's noses. Still the simple fact remains in my mind that the Olympic games should not exist in the present day, at least not to the extent that it has risen to. To all the athletes around the world, in my opinion you have wasted the better part of your pathetic lives on something so insignificant you may even regret it in later life when your bodies start to collapse and waking up in the morning is a strain, when people don't remember you or give a fuck who you are and you rely on that pill to fuckstart your personality every day.
yes, to all you and yours.... fuck off.


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