
sweet filly

My conclusion of analysis, generally and specifically lately, of women i am interested in is not broad for the simple fact that basically me being interested in relationships with anyone is a futile exercise at this point. but alas i find myself caught up in the wheelings and dealings of what i will admit to be as a mutual flirting relationship. we seem to be contempt flirting around the edges of admitting that we like each other, although this is possibly a good thing for now it has occurred to me that this girl is possibly more trouble than i wish to accept. i have found that among her usual good humour and fun insults lies a touchy and volatile underbelly.

After few displays of her mistaking my humour for seriousness i notice she cannot usually tell when i am joking and when i am not. This is quite disheartening as it usually results in me feeling like i have to scream, and draw attention to the fact that she takes my jokes too seriously. As out of practice i am at courting women i am willing to entertain the notion that it is me with the problem, but it has been apparent before that she takes things out on people that dont deserve it..

As it hasn't happened enough for me to totally with-hold from speaking to her, i am slowly being pushed away.. maybe thats the way it should be.. maybe thats the way i like it.. maybe im looking for the kind of girl that hates me sometimes, maybe its what i deserve. all time low.

fucking make it easier!! .........loco woman!


On recent pursuits i have come to relise this woman only serves as the mouthpeice for undesirable women around this brown mortal coil. Therefore any attempt to further communications with her would be futile at best. Limp minded bawd.

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