
The Cynical Kitten

I am quite aggrevated at juvenile and untalented wanks that think it is funny to ruin good graffiti art with mere drawings of cocks or the equivilent their tag. People work fucking hard to be good at what they do and graffiti is no exception. It seems that "Capping"(1) as it is known is becoming evermore popular with dickheads generally with the talent and intelligence of a burnt stick. THESE fuckclumps are the reason why graffiti has a bad name, THESE are the fuckclumps that give youth a bad name, and THESE are the kind of people i would get much enjoyment out of watching them perish.

if i ever catch some piss-ant bombing any of my peices i will twist their heads off.


1. Capping = drawing tags or unwanted drawings on peices of graffiti

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