
Letter to an Ex bad friend.

To Cocksucker.

Other than your mysterious ability to bare, what most people would call, attractive offspring i see no use for you. I dont know what you are for. It seems from years of trying to lick your own arsehole and enjoying the scent of your own farts you have obtained the correct amount of flexability to insert your entire head. In fact your ever increasingly repulsive head is that far up your own rectum, as unfortunate as it is for you, that you cannot even think rationally nor maintain the appropriate ethical and moral boundries that ordinary people uphold.

It seems as though i do not have the vocabulary or sharpness of tongue to express my hatred for you and your kind. I can only look at you in pity as you openly let life as you knew it fall through your hands. I cant wait to see your girlfriend (in the not so distant future), who also has a broad cocktail of mental disfuntions, leave you. clawing away like a wet kitten made moronic and dumb by your influence. And while i am on the subject of your beloved slut, i just want to make it abundantly clear that i am opposed to her in every facet of human life. She is quite possibly the most unattractive, unintelligent, uninsightful, dull excuse for a woman i have ever had the displeasure of meeting. To me she is the epitome of hideous and repellent women. although i find her more a valid person than i find you.

For the future i wish you everything you seem to be trying to achieve, like... a prosperous life of lonelyness and betrayal, relationships built on bad sex and desperateness, parents that think you are childish and unevolved and continued backstabbing and showing your true colours for everyone to see and decide to hate you almost a fraction as much as i do. that being said I also wish you disease, heartbreak, poverty and a slow painfull demise.

In conclusion maybe i can speak for all your former friends that you have stabbed in the back and made pity you for the way you have handled your maudlin, impotent and pathetic justification of a life, FUCK YOU!!!

please die quietly......maggot.

yours sincerely


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