
Dear Bitch

This person i live with is as stupid as she is aggrevating. She makes me want to throw large objects at her in hope it somehow crushes and kills her. It would almost be worth going to jail. It has gotten to the point of constant annoyingness where looking at her makes me want to yell profanity and belittling comments. i will from now on refer to her inparticular as THE bitch.

The bitch is a 5 foot 3 ball of pure frustrating habits and dialogue, she is the queen of abrasive and irrational behaviours. Her non-stop talking at the top of lungs in a pitch that would make a circular saw at 630am seem less grating, makes me feel like i want to take a rusty staple and hammer it through my foreskin onto a wild pig.

She also has an uncanny habit of sleep walking. she also asks questions in her sleep that dont make an ounce of sence..perhaps i should direct her off a close but highly raised cliff face. but i dont think id be able to handle the constant chatter.

It is completely possible that the bitch will make me go insane. let hope if i do, i go mental enough to be able to withstand the ultimate power of her displeasing and jarring nature.

yours impatiently


After more constant aggrevation i am compelled to continue this post. YOU FUCKING BITCH you sit so high up on your little pedistal, looking down on what you think to be dirty peasants only around for your empowerment as a PATHETIC HUMOUROUSLY STUPID INVALID.
you told me you dont want to help me... tell me you hate me it would make wanting to kill you so much more worth while. your rotted core is not worth all the hatred i will constantly hurl your way, i only hope that some of it embodies a hard fast moving object that you can step infront of ... ie a bus.

please blow your brains out... you pithy selfish fucking tard

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