
Ventilated Spleen.

In the brochure of life events there is a giant chapter fittingly labeled "Mistakes". There are also a mistakes that stand out bluntly like a sore thumb as being the epitome of the misconceptions one can make.

Whether you have fucked the wrong person unintentionally up the anus, dropped out of Piss-wipers educational school and toilets to study self-help techniques and enjoy the stench of your own farts, developed a "sporting" methamphetamine habit or taken faulty financial advice from the cumstain that lives four doors down, who unsurprisingly cant afford a new front door or food for his annoying child, saddened by his 9th eviction notice in two months, YOU , it seems, are guilty of a bounty of unfortunate but completely avoidable mistakes for which you can only expect karma to shove several bricks up your arse, probably un-lubricated, possibly sideways.

There seems to be a predicament in our situation that can only be fixed by your understanding and co-operation, both of which your comprehension is sub-standard. Our situation> i cannot stand you and you don't know it. The fact that i tear at your self esteem every single fucking unpleasant time we talk is not enough, seemingly, for you to understand that i want you to hurt. All kinds of hurt, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, rolled up in stolen wet carpet rug and hurled off a high place kinda hurt.

Usually i do NOT wish death upon people but I'm willing to make an exception this time. Death is usually reserved for news reporters, evil people like Hitler, and their drug taking equivalent- old people. I do not really want this to differ too much. But you are quite the special case, also fittingly labeled "Scrote: The human sized nut sling" with a list of mental deficiencies as long as your gracious ape-like arms.

I do however agree with the notion that someday all things shall pass, this too, indeed shall pass like an unwanted kidney stone. A brilliant simile for your existence if i do say so myself. Reluctantly having met you in the first place. My kingdom for a time machine.

You know who you are you fucking miserable piss-ant....fuck you


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