
some junkie homeless bitch

Today in my pointless adventure around a neighboring suburb i was taken back by the amount of filth infecting the downtown street. unshowered old men that stink like rancid fecal matter, to idiotic 10 year old that are smoking and stealing. all these people are worthy of any of the diseases i can wish upon them; although i feel compelled to focus all my bitterness to the certain kind of person i unfortunately had to communicate with.

i was smoking a cigarette minding my own fucking business when a fested looking woman sits down near me. Now a good pre-text to this story would be that i just spent my last money on smokes and was only in possession of 70 measly cents. i give her a look of disgust and begin to get up and walk away from this person who smelt worse than she looked which is beyond belief.
she follows me for a few meters before basically yelling "oi mate, can i have 3 bucks?".
i reach into my pocket and grab my last $0.70....at this point i am more interested in getting away from this douche. i drop the change into his rancid womans hand and she says.......nothing.
not one "thanks" or "cool" or "fuck" nothing. not only did i just give her my LAST 70 cents i also didnt tell her to fuck off and she didnt even thank me! AND while im questioning her ethics who the fuck asks for 3 dollars when they are after money..... isn't that a bit fucking rich.... when you are a beggar you take what you can get and be thankful that anyone gave you anything, you ungrateful cuntslime. last time i give money to anyone EVER.

next time you ask for money try asking which way the moving cars are and do us all the favour of killing yourself.........bitch.


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