
Zeus Killed Salmoneus

I have been in the process of broadening my blogging horizons. Generally this blog is and will continue to be the place where I spout most of my cynically motivated anger filled blogs. But it has become apparent to me that this is not enough and I would like a site in which to post blogs motivated from other facets of my psyche.

So, if anyone is interested in reading alternate blogs from the ones posted here on Cynical, Bitter, Acrimonious you can find them at Zeus Killed Salmoneus. To those who are C.B.A fans, there is no need for alarm, I am still highly inspired to continue posting on this blog, there will always be things and people that will provoke me to write.


p.s Zeus killed Salmoneus can also be found on Myspace, it contains blogs from both C,B,A and ZKS. So check it out and leave me some of your best commentary remarks. ZKS on myspace


Cockcheese: The doctor of ill-medicine and malpractice

Am I fucking invisible? I don't think I have been in contact with any unusual substance of late that would cause my skin to magically turn transparent. I'm certainly not mute either, how hard is it to acknowledge someone's existence when they are speaking to you? Am I not reaching the basic level of understanding I thought all humans had? REALISE that I am reaching out, REALISE that I don't want you to waste my time, REALISE that if ANY of your kind of people did their job correctly we would both be better off and for fuck sake LISTEN! I'm making your job easy for you, all you have to do is make simple connections as to what I am saying and what needs to be done.

The lack of competency you display as a doctor only re-enforces to me your lack of common people skills. Did they not teach you in Med school that communication is the key to doctor/patient relations? Asking the same question 3 different ways does not convey as sound communication skills, neither do mid sentence interruptions, inaudible mumbling and dead silence whilst you bumble through your disorganised desk and computer. I am truly shocked and amazed that you have held your qualifications or your job for so long. I would rather a doctor tell me that they are stumped than watch a broken down old inept cockjockey fumble around their surgery like a junkie looking for a doughnut.

Now I am not one of those wankers that watch programs they don't like on television and then complain about its content instead of simply changing the channel. If I don't like something I simply avoid it (rational thinking for most, impossible for some) for example talking on telephones, Chinese food and heroin are just some of the things I avoid avidly. SO that been said I will not return to your den of dismal medical know-how and will be taking my cash and problems elsewhere. You may be pleased, Dr Fuckstick, that you won't have to see me again, seeing as though my last words to you were far from pleasant. And I will continue to suffer.



Olympic pain-in-my-arse.

I don't know if anyone feels the same, nor feels as strongly about it as I do, but this year the Beijing Olympics...FUCK.. any Olympic games from the time I was born have shit me to tears and angered me to my very core. We all know how it goes: run, jump, lift, throw, blood, sweat, tears, joy, disappointment, left, right, upside-fucking-down. This may come as a shock to all you sporty types but its fucking POINTLESS. Sure there is (for a select few) the honour of winning a small trophy to wear for one day, that says "congratulations, you ran 100 metres faster than 9 other cocksmokers"
but in the grand scheme of things are you really better off? Sure, now you can charge more for your services on the advertisements for breakfast cereal, sure people will now look at you differently, but let me say this, you won a medal ? big fucking deal! Yeah, you had to train hard for your sport and slave away devoting your every waking moment to being bigger and better, but in the end its just a sport. Please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't sport defined as recreation, a pastime, fun? And should it not be treated as such?

My problem isn't all with the athletes themselves believe it or not, although I do despise them for being people that feed from the system, creating the illusion of hard workers when they only desire for personal gain and recognition whilst actually shying away from real work. My problem is also with the people that don't leave sport as it should be, a recreational pastime, and facilitate these large events which enable these sports people to become rich and/or famous. Why should sport be broadcast across most free-to-air channels at all? and not just that, they are sports that only interest realistically only about 1 or 2% of all people, like Badminton, Gymnastics, Equestrian, Volleyball, Rowing, Archery, Fencing etc. WHO needs these sports blasted on their TV sets every night of the week? But people (not surprisingly enough) lap it up, get right into how their country is going and have heated debates about what's to happen in what event. It's all wanky BULLSHIT.

Nobody needs these skills in the modern age, there is no need for a man to run 100 metres in 9 seconds, there's no need for a grown man in tights to swing on poles or rings chained to the ceiling, there is no need for women to run around in circles as fast as they can or ride horses from A to B or the implication of slow motion camera capturing a person swimming a stroke called butterfly (which looks dangerously ugly by the way) and because there is no need for this there shouldn't be a need to watch or encourage such a pointless waste of everyone's time.

I'm not going to start raving on about the morals, ethics and values of China, any of their current endeavours in the destruction of lives or any political matters here, that's a totally different matter, but its probably a good thing that the Olympics have brought the worlds attention to what China are doing right under everyone's noses. Still the simple fact remains in my mind that the Olympic games should not exist in the present day, at least not to the extent that it has risen to. To all the athletes around the world, in my opinion you have wasted the better part of your pathetic lives on something so insignificant you may even regret it in later life when your bodies start to collapse and waking up in the morning is a strain, when people don't remember you or give a fuck who you are and you rely on that pill to fuckstart your personality every day.
yes, to all you and yours.... fuck off.



A short irate release

I am a very vengeful person, grudges I hold are deep and are taken seriously and I believe strongly in the old saying "as ye sow, so shall ye reap"(ignoring all religious cogitations). You have dug your fucking grave, now lay in it! (this is meant metaphorically of course; although the thought of you being buried alive doesn't disturb me as much as I would like). I will have my revenge, when the time is right, and I will savour it for all it's worth. To avoid giving you a cliché recital from the book of threats I will say one thing, read this very carefully: Get fucked you filthy fucking dog.. you know who you are and what's coming to you.



Indie: Music for the flushing.

If i see one more cunt in a brown velvet vest playing a colourful fender telecaster, messy hair adrift over their pimpled red faces and yellow teeth protruding from their mouth, skinny legged jeans and a synth keyboard I WILL explode. Have these people no originality? no musical integrity? no ambition to do something different? My home town has been INVADED by the disease that is the musical genre of "Indie", and it has served as the thorn in my spine since.

I think it might be my own doing, you know with the whole becoming bitter with the music industry, growing older or not understanding the whole thought process associated with "indie" but I do seriously doubt its endurance as a musical genre. How could it survive? It all sounds the same to the majority of people listening. Indie is possibly on par with the now somewhat deceased "Emo" trend whose foul musical onslaught and obvious, but badly done, culture reproduction raped the fertile music industry not to mention the quality of music everywhere and left it a quivering broken husk of its former self.

What is the fascination with bands that have nothing more to offer than the band before them? Is it the human need for routine or the misunderstood feeling of only liking comparable entities, or are people just lazy and don't have the drive to find different music or are afraid to explore a broad spectrum of music and musical influence? I really would like to have more faith in the music listening population of the world, but its not possible when there are so many people set on being irrational, idiotic, mindless, insensate, passionless, pointless cattle.

In conclusion I would like to point out that The Bloc Party are possibly the shittiest band I've herd in a long time especially on the broad spectrum of international acts. Their music makes me physically ill.



Myopic toothless pig.

Over the last few years i have learned to minimise my habit of verbalizing my seditious and repugnant unfiltered rants, mainly because my mouth caused me a lot of unwanted friction in the real world. But people like you (and you indeed know who you are) continue to hack away at what used to be my patience. Unbeknown as yet to you and your esteemed(!) colleagues, everybody that comes in contact with you, on any level, has an immediate sense of enmity. Five minutes in the same fucking room would send any person, with an IQ higher than the lowest form of plant life, over the formidable boundary of sanity. Sometimes i even commend, although doubt, your "friends" ability to withstand your bigotry, stupidity and stench (which by the way is paramount to all vile scents).

SO! I have taken the time to think you up the title "Gooch: the mortal stankpot", and your friends "HEP A, B, and C". I'd also like to thank you though, for making me realise something i was obviously misinformed about before, oh how frivolous and unwise i am, i thought civilization had grown somewhat from blatant racism, ideas of slavery, narrow-mindedness and childish jokes about the colour of skins, oh foolish me, inept i am thinking equality and multiculturalism are important faculties of today's society. Here's an idea chump, long before discussing your bigoted version of the climate of racial inequality in this country it might occur to you to shower, with soap(just to be specific), before gracing us with your unintelligent, irrelevant, misdirected, regurgitated desecration of our culture. and in your own unoriginal words "if you don't like it, fuck off back home". After all we're just convicts. fuckclump!



71 and Immortal!

George Dennis Patrick Carlin (May 12th 1937 - June 22nd 2008)

George Carlin - A brilliant man who has revolutionised comedy and peoples way of thinking for decades. The man is an inspiration, a monument, a sublime entertainer of a calibre which is rarely seen on this brown mortal coil. RIP George Carlin.

The infamous Seven Words sketch.



That 1 Guy

This man is probally one of the most talented men this century. I enjoy his music more than i enjoy stuffed green olives in martinis. Please enjoy..


I did my time.

After spending what seemed an eternity, patiently waiting to see a doctor, in a seedy disease ridden, noisy, child-filled, chamber of death also known as The Waiting Room, i have decided to write a senseless wank questioning WHY we, the general public, must sit rotting in these treacherous torture chambers.

Sitting there it seemed as though everyone was put there to annoy the shit out of me, doctors speaking "english" i couldnt understand, children loudly playing with toys dressed as B-rate superheroes, Middle aged single mums talking on their mobiles 20 decibels above everything and some pinwanker who thinks it's a good time and place to go through all his monotone ringtones on his phone. (Maybe i should write another moaning about mobile phones and why they are the bane of my exsistence). ALL along the hallway were closed doctors doors, they could have been in there having it off with their best mates wives for all we knew. To me it seemed simple, either get more doctors OR dont book appointments for so many cunts. So i did a bit of reading and found a doctors perspective:

"The biggest complaint that most people have is the never-ending wait in the waiting room. What exactly is going on behind those closed doors? It's an aggravating situation that is exacerbated by the demands of a bottom-line (many practices run on productivity and have to double-book to account for no-shows) and also the (sometimes unrealistic) expectations of patients themselves. It's not uncommon for a patient to want a full hour of attention when only fifteen minutes is scheduled for an appointment. Do the math, and you'll see why doctors run so far behind. Good doctors will always try to address all your issues, but sometimes it's to the detriment of a short wait." ~http://storkdoc.blogspot.com/

This, in fact, answered most of my queries to do with this subject, if this is the case with most doctors surgeries then most doctors, being an intelligent lifeform, are far more obtuse than i thought. The idea of having to double-book just for the simple fact that someone MIGHT or MIGHT NOT show up is absurd. Fair enough, people are selfish and want a longer session than needed but that is their prerogative is it not? If they do finish before their pre-determined timeslot ends then the doctor is entitled to have that time to themselves or service the poor unfortunate next in line. I do agree whole-heartedly that its not only the doctors at fault for waiting room blunders. I fear that there is an epidemic of paranoid fearful hypochondriacs that flood almost all doctors nightmares, and surgeries complaining of symptoms they dont have and using more time than nessicary. I will give you an example as quoted from the same blog as before-mentioned.

"Many patients "save up" their health concerns for a once-a-year visit. One of my best friends, who is an internist, regularly has patients who "kitchen sink" her. An example would be when a patient arrives for a half-hour annual exam appointment, and then comes in with a list of complaints that include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic headaches, diabetes, sciatica, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, allergies, bacterial vaginosis, chest pain, depression and edema."

This is where i feel it is up to the person making appointments at the surgery to identify problematic hypochondriacs and appoint them longer timeslots. This of course would lower case loads but would make GP's a more effective service. And by the time my body falls to peices all black and brown i expect you to have corrected this hopelessness.

and all you scruffy twats that cannot sit still quietly for an hour .....FUCK YOU


Special thanks to http://storkdoc.blogspot.com/


Ventilated Spleen.

In the brochure of life events there is a giant chapter fittingly labeled "Mistakes". There are also a mistakes that stand out bluntly like a sore thumb as being the epitome of the misconceptions one can make.

Whether you have fucked the wrong person unintentionally up the anus, dropped out of Piss-wipers educational school and toilets to study self-help techniques and enjoy the stench of your own farts, developed a "sporting" methamphetamine habit or taken faulty financial advice from the cumstain that lives four doors down, who unsurprisingly cant afford a new front door or food for his annoying child, saddened by his 9th eviction notice in two months, YOU , it seems, are guilty of a bounty of unfortunate but completely avoidable mistakes for which you can only expect karma to shove several bricks up your arse, probably un-lubricated, possibly sideways.

There seems to be a predicament in our situation that can only be fixed by your understanding and co-operation, both of which your comprehension is sub-standard. Our situation> i cannot stand you and you don't know it. The fact that i tear at your self esteem every single fucking unpleasant time we talk is not enough, seemingly, for you to understand that i want you to hurt. All kinds of hurt, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, rolled up in stolen wet carpet rug and hurled off a high place kinda hurt.

Usually i do NOT wish death upon people but I'm willing to make an exception this time. Death is usually reserved for news reporters, evil people like Hitler, and their drug taking equivalent- old people. I do not really want this to differ too much. But you are quite the special case, also fittingly labeled "Scrote: The human sized nut sling" with a list of mental deficiencies as long as your gracious ape-like arms.

I do however agree with the notion that someday all things shall pass, this too, indeed shall pass like an unwanted kidney stone. A brilliant simile for your existence if i do say so myself. Reluctantly having met you in the first place. My kingdom for a time machine.

You know who you are you fucking miserable piss-ant....fuck you




Oh how high you are, above us all (!). So high that you seemingly have no regard for anyone else. The thought "how does what I am doing effect anyone else?" doesn't run through your overly abundant thought processes. I give credit where credit is due, you are an intelligent person, but intelligence only goes so far when you constantly flaunt your painfully obvious childishness.
fucking cuntslime.

I don't wish to dwell i just needed a vent.



Bells a' ringin

Served with a new found curiosity, i went hunting for a select duo of English sayings.

The ever so popular "Saved by the bell,"
has a widespread notion that the phrase is from the 17th century and that it describes people being rescued from being buried alive by using a coffin with a bell attached at the earths surface. The idea being that, if they were buried but later awoke in their 6 foot deep tomb, they could ring the bell and be saved from an unpleasant death. The idea is certainly plausible as the fear of burial alive was and is real.

"Saved by the bell," i feel, goes hand in hand with another popular phrase among english speaking society "the graveyard shift." Popular explanations for the origin of the phrase "graveyard shift" reference the 17th century also . To prevent the
problem of the accidental burying of people who were still alive, the story goes, The graveyard attendants, who's job it was to remain vigilant throughout the day and night, worked the graveyard shift. It was their mission to wait for the little bells to ring so they could go in and retrieve the stressed undead.

The notion of anyone being buried alive makes my skin crawl.
Ankylophobic, Automysophobic, and Claustrophobic. cha cha cha!



Shortly and sweetly.

After a short but extensive observation of people it seems there are a few running themes; the winning themes throughout the general population are stupidity, manipulation, paranoia, bigotry and selfishness. Possibly the IQ of the general population IS as low as we are led to beleive. So to all en masse:
Jam all your imbecility into your cerebrum and smile, smile, smile. (!)

I'm going to revel in the elements. Theres nothing like rain on a tin roof.




You are of course THE most absurd person i've ever had the displeasure of being associated with. Not sure if you relise but you have a personality that is the equivalent of taking a shit (diarrhea) in zero gravity. unpleasant, messy, odourous and unwanted. I dont think anyone relises how spot on that simile is. You have the moral and ethical values of a middle aged street sex worker with an amusing heroin addiction. Your name has always been synonymous with phenomenal discriptions like "cuntscum","wankstain", "cuntdumpster", "scrote", "butt-pirate", "tight fisted wanker", "fuckclump", "cockface", and "arsehat". I cannot go on without pointing out the fact that you have an uncanny ability to be the most annoying child anyone has come into contact with.

With your inutile capability to alienate everyone, your pre-pubescent wit and your reproduction of bigotry and racist slurs you have managed to force people into catapulting hatred your way. But of course, as common as it is with idiots, you are oblivious. You have somehow convinced yourself that you have friends, but i have witnessed them constantly ridicule you endlessly. You are a joke to everyone you have annoyed with your presence. Thank all your religious deities for us not having to look at you all the time. We like our sanity no matter how sketchy it may be. a little advice:

Shut your fucking disease ridden mouth before i fuckstart your face




Same old fucking story. i don't know why i bother with human communication sometimes. It seems to me like it would be more productive staying home. Don't get me wrong i like a good binge just as much as the next problematic drinker, but why do i force myself out of my house in order to rub shoulders with the ragtag and bobtail that infect the city when the sun goes down?
I guess its because sometimes i tend to emerge myself in a sea of unknown people. to observe.
Drunk people are the most disgusting and ugly entities, alcohol can turn normal functioning adults into stumbling thoughtless blurry-eyed shadows of the people they were at the beginning of the night. Even the people that look like they can deal with a high concentration of alcohol are impaired just as easily. Weak. The effects of alcohol are meant to be savored, not to be taken for granted nor used as an excuse for anything.

WHICH I HATE. i loathe it when feeble minded cuntslime use alcohol as an excuse for anything they did, it could be they slept with someone that had been beaten with the ugly stick profusely as a child, spent all their money or it could be they got in a fight and pissed their pants. alcohol is not to blame, there are plenty of well maintained people that, even when totally inebriated, can distinguish between the ugly and the gorgeous, know when to stop spending and not punch on nor piss themselves. Not to mention sometimes when scum are drunk the unspoken rules of personal space are thrown overboard. Somehow getting drunk for some people is an excuse to let their moral beliefs sink.

why can't these people hold their alcohol? or do they not want to? either way i which they'd FUCK OFF



"Eulogy song"

Chaser's War on Everything is probally the best free-to-air show for young adults ever. This song is testament of this fact and must be veiwed at least once. It WILL improve your life. No holds barred humour and genius.


the pledge

*raises glass*
I raise my head and my glass to toast: cloudy days and dark nights, caffiene, globalisation,the female persona, modernisation, dexterity, technology, expansion, medicine, cigarettes, ferocity, anger, bestiality in all its forms, freedom of speech, freedom of choice, alcoholism, music, humour, verbal thrust, violence, the waste, irony, cynicism, pessimism, hyperacidity, hypertension, fame, fortune, everything i aspire, meditation, aggrevation, the inalienable right to an early escape whilst conspiring to bite the hand that feeds, honesty, honour, history, to me, to you, to the end
*swigs drink*


The June Inquisition

Somewhere between the lounge, the computer chair, and my beloved seedy back porch smoking chair is where I failed the day. I bumbled around notionless, without point nor aspiration, spilling, knocking and falling behind. Sniggering remarks to myself about the annoying entourage of ill-mannered unintelligent masses that crowd my day and haunt my night. Obsolete, it seems, are the days of privacy and decorum, where once a smoker could enjoy a certain magnitude of ettiquette. Is it too hard to understand the simple correlation between smoking and relaxation? Even the most primal of animal life knows if you see smoke don't run toward the fire. Apart from the constant sea of interuption, today i find myself perplexed.

Todays question consisted of 2 parts, "What the fuck am i doing with myself?" and "What the fuck do i want to do with myself?." The less motivated i become in dealing with these propositions, the harder it became to answer. Pondering on this self-examination took up the better part of the morning and by lunch time i had become apathetic toward anything that hurled itself in my path. The thought of opening a blind or a window made me cringe. It seems i wholeheartedly felt the first day of winter, rendering me into a ball of aggrevated fury and habit.

The first drink of the day, much to fews unworthy surprise, arrived early-esque at the grand ol' hour of 3:30pm which was about 4 hours too late. A day of apathy, cynicism, pessimism and alcoholism ensued for me and my ill-mannered unwanted companions and the future was bleak and seemed unforgiving. Today even my favourite feline friend, Kamikaze, was sufficiently abrasive. By late afternoon/early evening i was still troubled and perplexed by the questions that had been the ruin of my morning.

Now at 1am i am still just as perplexed as to the meaning of my exsistance on this brown mortal coil but suffice to say i believe i have answered the question "what the fuck am i doing with myself?" to a level that satisfies my own bitter expectancy. The answer shall remain part of the decrepit decay of stagnate information i choose to keep from public knowledge. Although i will divulge that the answer has not made an iota of difference in the grand scheme of today, infact it only serves as a set back to my own eventual cosmos. I have found new admiration for people that know where they are going...this doesnt mean i have stopped loathing them.

people that are happy in their career remind me distinctly of dynamic lifter.


Post- Reflection.

It seems this blog space has given me the perfect outlet to express my inner thoughts, and up untill now i thought i was being honest with myself. But alas it seems as though i have been unintentionally censoring myself. not allowing myself to truely say how i feel.

In the immortal words of Zach De La Rocha, "your anger is a gift". I had not contemplated the signifigance of that lyric untill now. Anger is powerful, anger is relentless, anger is dynamic, anger is dominate, absolute, influential, honest, omnipotent, potant, versatile, ferocious, un-remitting, un-interupted, un-diluted, un-adulterated, un-limited, Anger is the epitome of emotion, anger puts people at one with their basic primal instincts and should be relished, for there is no stronger state of mind.

Therefore i feel it is my duty to myself to be truely honest with how i portray my thoughts. this is not to say i have not been sincere, it purely means i have not fully defined my remarks.

"Anger is only a natural reaction; one of the mind's ways of reacting to things that it percieves to be wrong. While anger can sometimes lead people to do shocking things, it can also be an instinct to show people that something isn't right." ~anon



Sweet sweet sweet vaporous gas

This precious visible vapor and gases, that is perfectly given off by a burning or smoldering substance, esp. the gray, brown, or blackish mixture of gases and suspended carbon particles resulting from the lushous combustion of organic matter, in this case personified by tobacco, has left me intoxicated by its gratifying effects.

If of course you are unaware of what i am speaking of, i speak of cigarettes... that wonderous legal product. If you are also unaware of its unspeakable pleasure you should try it. It might just change your life.

Be forewarned i do not care if you are against smoking, i also dont care for my health let alone the health of the cretins that surround me, i will stop smoking when i want to stop smoking, not when im told. My cigarettes smell and taste alot better than your oppression and facism...cuntholes.

I respect that you choose to be a tight-fisted wanker.